Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bucket List Day 17--July 19

This was our day of slow traveling headaches.
Ottcrew—Day 17, July 19th Monday

Woke up at our own personal campground outside of Ft. Nelson. Harry and Henry watched a movie while we went to sleep. No bear prints around camp even though we had seen some the day before and we were parked in a clover field. Henry and Tim almost hit a moose….didn’t get a picture of that .
Harold getting a back adjustment. It is a long way from home and we are hoping his back will hold out.
Stopped for gas at Sikanni Chief. Same dude there with zero personality. We hit the road again heading to Fort St. Johns. Outside on the side of a mountain, we had to stop ½ hour for road crews. There was cell coverage out in the middle of no where for us to txt and if you had Canada coverage, make calls.
At Fort St. John, we gassed up and Harold went into town to get a spare replacement for the pop up. The rest of us ate lunch while we waited for him to get back out. Then, because we didn’t want to go back the same way, and the Milepost map doesn’t represent everything, we went off the beaten path toward Hudson Hope…. We just had to go there with the Hudson connection and all.
It was a slow going mountain, windy, hilly route. Going up a hill behind a slooooow logging truck (one of many), we heard some squeeling on the truck.

We pulled off at Carol Wyland’s house outside of Hudson Hope and she had everything that the guys needed to diagnose that it was dust on the brakes and not something more serious such as bearings or differential. Well, that all took almost 2 hours.
After our down time to get the spare, we had eaten up a chunk of time.
Once back on the road, we drove past HUGE milling plants. The scenery was beautiful and we got to see the Peace Valley that is planned to be flooded with a dam in 2012. It was beautiful land. I am glad I got to see it. One note here is to tell you that on several spots on this trip the air was filled with pine and cedar smell and was so clean smelling and fresh that I wish you could all smell it. It was such an experience and it happened several times on the route.

When it hit around 730, pulled up to a campground called Whiskers Bay Resort right at sunset. There were mosquitoes. It is a good thing I paid at the office because the guy driving around was going to ding us for more money. The showers were not connected to the toilets and you had to walk up on a hill to get to them. The place is for sale and is in need of updating and repair. Tim started a fire and we made smores. It was a quiet place to sleep. We grilled out steaks this night and went to bed.

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